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Mussola XXL Little Star
Mussola XXL Little Star

Pink Cashmere Blanket Logo

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Features: Link stitch blanket, fineness 14. Cashmere has a silky and velvety hand, it gives a feeling of comfort and softness that caresses the skin and pleases the eyes. Cashmere is warmer than wool, given its insulating power 10 times greater. However, it can also be used in the warmer months, as it insulates the body and protects it very well even from intense heat. Cashmere, the golden fiber of the textile world, has unique properties. It is obtained by combing the fleece of Hircus goats that live on the highlands of Asia.

- 100% Natural
- Antibacterial
- Breathable
- Thermoregulator
- Stain resistant
- Soft on the skin

Made in Italy with love

Size: 100 x 80 cm

Composition: Linz/Linz stitch, 100% long-fibre cashmere selected from Hircus goats

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